Casa Nutri

Nourishing Bodies and Souls


Casa Nutri

Nourishing Bodies and Souls

Casa Nutri is a beacon of hope in vulnerable communities, focusing on the recovery and nutritional education of early childhood. This international project combats malnutrition in pregnant women and children up to the age of 5, embodying God's love and opening doors to share the gospel. When children are well-cared for, families feel the tangible love of Christ. Malnutrition in the first five years of life can cause irreversible brain damage, hindering a child's ability to thrive. Casa Nutri aims to protect and nurture early childhood, ensuring a brighter future for these young lives.

Grace, a dedicated Brazilian dietitian, has been volunteering with Casa Nutri since 2018, serving in Mozambique, Nepal, and Brazil. Now, in 2024, she oversees the Casa Nutri programs in the Brazilian Amazon. Since her move, she has evaluated 150 indigenous children and found that 50.67% are chronically malnourished. By God's grace and a partnership with a local ministry, they received a WorldVision grant to provide nutritional support to over 240 malnourished children, offering them a chance to grow healthy and strong.

Missionary Journeys

Spreading Hope and Health

Missionary Journeys

Spreading Hope and Health

 Daniel, Grace, and the Russell family embark on a few journeys each month to reach impoverished river communities and distant indigenous tribes. They evangelize, share God’s good news, engage in discipleship, and assess the nutritional needs of young children, ensuring they grow into healthy, functional adults.

Some journeys take an hour, others span several days. The cost ranges from $25 to $150 per person, per trip, depending on the journey's length and time spent in the field.

Project Compassion

Building Thriving Communities

Project Compassion

Building Thriving Communities

In the heart of the Park of the Indigenous Nations, Daniel serves as the interim pastor of the indigenous church, Project Compassion. He is training Victor, a Brazilian missionary, to take over pastoral duties. The Park has deep problems including deep poverty, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, and broken homes. Daniel, Grace, and their team conduct regular house visits, build intentional relationships to foster openness to the gospel, and train local leaders in evangelism and disciple-making.

Grace educates residents on nutrition and physical exercise as part of their community development efforts. Daniel teaches the basics of Christian worldview and provides pastoral care. Together, they aim to transform the Park of the Indigenous Nations into a thriving community through Christ's disciples, who can then be sent out to replicate the project in other communities.

Brazil Support

Continuing Vital Work

Brazil Support

Continuing Vital Work

 To continue this vital work effectively, we need to provide:

  • Evangelism, disciple-making, and simple church planting multiplication training

  • Biblical worldview education

  • Community leadership training

  • Pastoral care

  • Nutritional supplements, education, and food

  • Healthcare

  • Biblically-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs

Join us in making a lasting impact in communities like this one, demonstrating Christ’s compassion and transforming lives through faith and action.

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