Hello, and Happy Spring!

Although this is the hottest time for Cambodia - highs of 100 and humidity at 85 (yes its hotter than…) - we can still rejoice in this season of Spring! Here is a beautiful update of just how amazing and beautiful our God is. Only HE can turn cows and fertilizer into a sweet fragrance of HIS love for us.

We were invited to Reliance Church in Temecula by Pastor Ted and Brenda Leavenworth to talk about what is happening in Cambodia. We were able to share two of our new projects and the outpouring of generous gifts were such a blessing and a reminder of His faithfulness.

The church gifted seven total cows and 20 fertilizer loans were also established. With generous excess funds of “just put wherever needed” we were able to help pay for a much-needed surgery for a child from the orphanage Bre and Curtis partner with. The timing of the funds was exactly when they needed it. Yes, our God has perfect timing!

Here are the two projects you all sprang for:

Project Cow:

  • One cow is $650.

  • Buy a cow for Cambodia farmers? Sound a little crazy? It's actually a gift that will reach many families in a way only God can. We purchase one cow and entrust its care to a local village pastor. That cow is impregnated and then when it gives birth the farmer gets to keep the calf. Once properly weaned the cow is given to another local farmer.

  • This is then duplicated seven times (give or take). The farmer is given the cow, but the care and upkeep is bestowed upon the farmer. This gives him a sense of responsibility for his cow, and they will then gift the next family farmer with the offspring of the calf, and so on and so on. By providing cows we believe we are making a difference in the hearts and souls of our Cambodian brothers and sisters! It's the cow that doesn’t stop mooing…literally!

  • Thank you for your consideration and we pray that you will partner with us in "Project Cow.”

Project Fertilizer:

  • One bag of rice fertilizer is priced at $30.

  • In cooperation with the church leaders of the Cambodian villages, Inspired Missions offers small farming loans for the community church members. The money is used solely for buying fertilizer for their rice fields at the proper season for planting. Once the crop yields, the farmer can then repay the loan with zero interest (that's right….ZERO interest!). This process can be renewed every time the farmer pays back the loan. The vetting process is done in cooperation with the local church leaders in these rural farming villages.

  • One of the damaging outcomes of high interest loans for farmers who live hand-to-mouth is that it creates a vicious cycle of debt and repayment where they can never get ahead financially. Debt collectors will pressure family members to let their children leave the village and to work in the city (No extra detail needed, but just know that it is incredibly tragic). Therefore, human trafficking is a product of this high interest system.

  • By providing interest-free loans we believe we are making a difference in the hearts and souls of our Cambodian brothers and sisters!

  • Thank you for your consideration and we pray that you will partner with us in ”Project Fertilizer.”

***A special shoutout to John and Lori Kearns who gave their time and a right leg for our ministry!***

Thank you again for your partnership and prayers!

Send me Lord,

Curtis and Bre Johnson..and Harlow:)
Inspired Missions

Text Curtis @battinpractice2@yahoo.com
Email Bre and Curtis @ Cjohnson@inspiredmissions.com

USA contacts:
Pastor Jeff: (Papa to Harlow) 951-704-4853 jjohnson@inspiredmissions.com
Christy: (Mima to Harlow) 951-218-5925 christy@inspiredmissions.com
Jeff Myers: jmyers@inspiredmissions.com